The Alexandra Karen Alerte Memorial Fund

This Memorial Fund is dedicated to the memory of ALEXANDRA KAREN ALERTE and created specifically for graduates of the School of Medicine with an interest in the field of psychiatry or research.

“Mum, what good it is to only speak the words if one is unwilling to join in the fight?” – Alex speaking to her mother before joining a protest against police brutality towards women in the midst of the pandemic. London, February 2022.

Alexandra Karen Elisabeth Leslie Alerte had an exciting life, born in Bordeaux, France, growing up in New York City, and finally immigrating to London. She was a “big city” person with an outsized personality and a caring heart. This fit her role in public relations perfectly. She was also medically complicated with a history of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, diagnosed at age five. Later in life, she endured the complications of her childhood treatments as well as hearing loss, endometriosis, and bipolar disorder, succumbing to the latter in 2022. Despite her challenges, her personality was one of joy, generosity, caring, and, most of all, advocacy.

With a focus on “what Alex would want,” her family has dedicated this award to supporting those who will be the future caregivers, counselors, innovators, and supportive shoulders for their future patients.