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Over 1,340 Active Funds

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GroupFeatured Giving Opportunities

Honors Program

Honors Program

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Husky Annual Scholarship Fund

Husky Annual Scholarship Fund

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School of Fine Arts General Scholarship Fund

School of Fine Arts General Scholarship Fund

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School of Fine Arts Dean’s Development Fund

School of Fine Arts Dean’s Development Fund

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John L. C. Lof Non-Endowed Fund for Graduate Education

John L. C. Lof Non-Endowed Fund for Graduate Education

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School of Social Work Scholarship

School of Social Work Scholarship

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Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center Fund

Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center Fund

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School of Pharmacy Student Emergency Fund

School of Pharmacy Student Emergency Fund

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Waterbury Campus

Waterbury Campus

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International Field Placement Non-Endowed Fund

International Field Placement Non-Endowed Fund

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Husky Excellence Fund

Husky Excellence Fund

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Engineering Centennial Research Fund

Engineering Centennial Research Fund

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Pharmacy Scholarship Fund

Pharmacy Scholarship Fund

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Office of Global Affairs Programs

Office of Global Affairs Programs

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African American Cultural Center

African American Cultural Center

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