As a School of Dental Medicine alum or resident, we encourage you to celebrate your accomplishments, join our active alumni, and continue to be a part of our award winning program that has helped mold successful students like you. We continue to work hard to build upon the achievements of the past to pave the way for a stronger, more unified UConn School of Dental Medicine future—volunteer as a Class Contact, provide leadership on the School of Dental Medicine Alumni Board, or offer philanthropic support by making a gift today.

Alumni Board

The alumni board provides insight and direction on alumni programming and philanthropic opportunities for the School of Dental Medicine. Alumni from an assortment of classes comprise the group which meets several times throughout the year.

  • View Alumni Board

    Alumni Board President
    Cynara McPhail DMD ’84

    Alumni Board Vice President
    Christine Tierney DMD ’86

    Immediate Past Alumni Board President
    Ronald Birmingham DMD ’10

    Tyler Aten DMD ‘14
    Maggie Maule Drozdowksi DMD ’98
    Andrea Fallon DMD ‘08
    Deborah Fuller DMD ’95
    Khadija Khan DMD ‘15
    David Remiszewski DMD ’17

Volunteer Your Time or Talents

Are you looking to give back? Volunteer to be a Class Contact! Class Contacts help grow and strengthen the school by:

  • Assist Alumni Relations by updating demographic information of your classmates
  • Serve as an advocate for your class by suggesting programming that would appeal to fellow alumni
  • Communicate the details of upcoming alumni events to your classmates to encourage attendance
  • Foster a strong relationship between alumni and Alumni Relations
  • Find Your Class Contact

    Scott Merkelson DMD ’72
    Robert J. Carlson DMD ’73
    Collin Sanford DMD ’75
    Edward Sonnenberg DMD ’75
    Sheldon Hausman DMD ’76
    Cathy Kowalski DMD ’76
    Tom Mensi DMD ’77
    Ken Kowalski DMD ’78
    David W. Perkins DMD ’80
    Robert Kravecs DMD ’81
    Ron D’Andrea DMD ’81
    Tris Carta DMD ’82
    Bob Pantera DMD ’82
    Allan Munzenmaier DMD ’82
    Daria Friel DMD ’82
    Eric Gladsttein DMD ’82
    Ron Albert DMD ’84
    Barry Rosenberg DMD ’84
    Kathleen Burr DMD ’85
    Thomas Villani DMD ’86
    David Fried DMD ’86
    Theodore Adamidis DMD ’87
    Berdj Kiladjian DMD ’88
    Michael Ungerleider DMD ’88
    John Moohey DMD ’89
    Sarita Arteaga DMD ’90
    Ruth S. Goldblatt DMD ’90
    Christopher Trailor DMD ’90
    George Bauvies DMD ’91
    Steve Fishman DMD ’91
    Doug Callis DMD ’91
    Dawn Cooley DMD ’93
    David W. Cordes DMD ’94
    Jonathan Feldman DMD ’94
    Diedre Condon DMD ’96
    R. Steve Hall DMD ’96
    Tina Theroux DMD ’96
    Jeffrey Simpson DMD ’97
    Jason Mielcarek DMD ’99
    Killian MacCarthy DMD ’01
    Gary Schulman DMD ’01
    Tarryn MacCarthy DMD ’02
    Jason Kasprzak DMD ’02
    Anthony (Liam) Doran DMD ’03
    Kelly Morrison DMD ’03
    Mathew Scoles DMD ’05
    Margo Robinson DMD ’06
    Liza Baranowski King DMD ’07
    Elizabeth Chisholm DMD ’08
    Andrea Fallon DMD ’08
    Carla Monteiro DMD ’10
    Melissa Papio DMD ’13

Searching for a job? Our dental alumni and partners of the Dental School work with us to provide job opportunities for grads like yourself. Check our resources list to see if any interest you!

View Job Opportunities

Want to learn more?

For additional information about the UConn School of Dental Medicine, please contact:

Liz Krueger '02
Director of Alumni Relations, Health Sciences