Who to target?

The backbone of email strategy for UConn Gives and UConn Health Gives is peer-to-peer outreach. Start with who you know—friends, family, mentors—those who may be personally invested in your success. Then, expand your thinking to those within your personal network—colleagues, like-minded peers, or those who may have a passion in your project.

When to send?

  • A few weeks before and at early on during UConn Gives.
    • Let people know that you’re participating in UConn Gives or UConn Health Gives—and, most importantly, what’s motivating you to do so. Provide clear ways for your audience to participate and help, whether that’s by making a donation or by amplifying your message on their social media.
  • Whenever you hit a fundraising milestone during UConn Gives.
    • Translate the momentum and excitement of your campaign into another email opportunity to reengage those who have yet to participate. When your audience sees other people contributing to your success, they may be encouraged to make a donation themselves.
  • Time-sensitive reminder(s).
    • Spur your audience to action by encouraging them to give by a certain deadline, match challenge, or timeframe. Framing the email as urgent could provide a much-needed boost to convert those on the fence, or to convince those leading a busy life to give at that exact moment.
  • After UConn Gives concludes.
    • Thank your supporters for helping you reach your goal—and, if appropriate, let them know how they can stay involved with your cause. Who knows what maintaining those connections could do for your fundraising down the road.

Email Language/Layout Tips

  • Construct your email language appropriately per person and audience.
    • The way you speak to your family and friends may be different than how you connect with colleagues and like-minded peers.
  • Write like you speak.
    • Your speaking voice is more likely to connect with a potential donor than overly formal language ever could.
  • Make it personal and urgent.
    • Appeal to human interest. Why is your cause important to you? Why is it important that you receive these funds—what good will you do?
  • Keep it as tight as possible.
  • Keep exclamation points to a minimum.
  • Use a P.S. to highlight an aspect of your ask.
    • Example: Sharing on social.
    • Example: Re-highlighting your call to give.
  • Focus on the second-person voice.
    • With your help… You can…
  • Use easy to read fonts.

Email Examples